CT Imaging Center at Mission Heritage Medical Group
Making the CT Procedure Pleasant, Easy and Fast

CT IMAGING - A computed tomography, often referred to as a CT scan uses X-rays to make
detailed pictures of structures inside the body.
The MHMG CT Center offers imaging services that also include non-invasive
“virtual” colonography and coronary angiography, with results
delivered to ordering physicians in typically 24 hours or less. Patients
can expect a pleasant, easy and rather quick visit with most test times
requiring less than 15 minutes.
The CT Imaging Center is enthusiastically staffed by Jackie Newman, Imaging
Coordinator, Tammy Ward and Tony Nguyen, CT Technologists, and Drs. Adamany,
Hepner, Loussararian, and Thomas forming the physician leadership team.
Scheduling an appointment is easy; just have the order faxed to the MHMG
CT Imaging Center & send a copy to the Authorization Department. The
staff will contact the patient to schedule an appointment. If the patient
has had prior imaging studies of the area to be imaged, a copy of the
previous report should be attached to the order. The radiologist will
then be able to compare the CT results to previous studies.