Understanding Epilepsy

Epilepsy is the 4th most common neurologic condition, affecting 50-60 million people worldwide and 3.4 million Americans nationally. One in ten Americans will have a single seizure in their lifetime, and close to 1 out of every 30 Americans will go on to have epilepsy. In Orange County alone there are roughly 27,000 people with active epilepsy, with 1,500 new cases of epilepsy in our county a year alone. Epilepsy can impact all aspects of life from autonomy and independence with driving and working to quality of life and family planning. From sleep and life expectancy to mood and fertility epilepsy effects all facets of life and patients should not navigate these challenges alone.

Common Issues or Symptoms

Unprovoked seizures, genetic or primary generalized epilepsy, provoked seizures due to traumatic brain injuries or substance use, localization related epilepsy, autoimmune related seizures, epilepsy in pregnancy, episodes or spells concerning for possible seizures.

Our Services Offered

Issues regularly addressed in clinic for patients with epilepsy include: which, when, and for how long to initiate the right medication after having one or more seizure, common and most important side effect of medications, DMV forms and any other disability forms pertaining to seizures and epilepsy, ordering of electroencephalograms (EEG) and MRIs, and management of medications

Benefits to Visiting

We offer a board certified provider in Epilepsy specifically trained to address all questions surrounding the diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy. This includes (but not limited): to medication selection/increase/adjustments, presurgical workup, epilepsy monitoring both outpatient and soon to be inpatient, imaging workup for seizures (MRI, PET, ect), lifestyle modifications, epilepsy safety counseling, evaluation for implantation as well as adjustments of VNS (Vagal nerve stimulation), epilepsy and fertility, medications adjustments during pregnancy, and dietary recommendations for management of seizures.

What Your Visit and Treatment Might Include

Visits to our office in Mission Viejo (Orange County, California) would include an extensive history and physical, and lengthy discussion regarding the impact of epilepsy on everyday life. Discussions would include ensuring basic epilepsy safety, precautions necessary, and addressing any forms or paperwork required to ensure patients are given the appropriate accommodations as safeguarded to them by law. Plans for care and management of medications and choices pertaining to patients with epilepsy are always patient centered, meaning they will be the decision maker and the driving force behind how their care progresses.

Our Providers

Our Locations

Mission Viejo - Neurology

Mission Viejo - Neurology

26800 Crown Valley Pkwy.
Suite 385 and 320
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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