Body Contouring

Many of us have body areas we wish were different. Here you'll find today's most advanced contouring techniques being used to successfully improve the appearance and confidence of individuals of all ages. We combine the newest approaches to body contouring with an absolute commitment to surgical excellence and service. It's a difference you can feel from your very first visit. We invite you to talk to our experienced, board certified plastic surgeon, Michael McConnell, M.D., about what body contouring can offer you. Through this free consultation, we can learn about your unique goals and concerns as well as provide you with the information and knowledge to make a confident decision about your cosmetic procedure.


One of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, liposuction can successfully remove stubborn fat deposits that seem immune to diet and exercise. Also known as lipoplasty, liposuction effectively slims and reshapes specific areas of the body—including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms—by removing excess fat and improving your body’s contours.

Body sculpting after weight loss

It can be very discouraging to lose the weight, yet still have excess, sagging skin and fat that keeps you from having the body you want. Often, the only way to remove the loose, extra skin left behind is through body contouring plastic surgery. Post weight loss procedures include: lower body lift, arm lift, thigh lift and breast lift. Individualized to meet your unique needs, these highly effective procedures can help you reveal your new slimmer shape while creating a smoother, more attractive body contour.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Every year, thousands of women discover the benefits of a flatter stomach and more slender waistline—through abdominoplasty. This popular cosmetic procedure not only removes excess skin and fat but tightens the abdominal muscles, creating a smaller waistline and flatter stomach. New advances in surgical techniques allow our patients to achieve dramatic results without the painful, extended recovery that has been typical of abdominal procedures in the past. Many women combine a tummy tuck with other cosmetic procedures, such as breast lift or breast augmentation.